Events Calendar

Did you want to attend the last event, but weren't able to make it?  Perhaps your PWD stole your car keys or wouldn't come out of the river to attend the event?  

Keep an eye out here for a listing of club and other other PWD related functions.



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Our 2025 Water Trial is coming together and is just pending approval!

APWDC water trial will be held Aug 8-10 @ Glennifer Lake AB. **Judge will be announced on confirmation.** .

Barb McCaffrey is trial chair and Christine McKinnon is the trial secretary.

The weekend consists of three trials – Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday.
Will be offering all levels -JWD, AWD, WWD, WWDx, CWD (x) and Master levels.

This multi-day water trial will be held in accordance with the provisions of the current Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada (PWDCC) water trial manual and updates, copies of which may be downloaded here at no charge from the PWDCC website.

Consider reserving your accommodations early; several motels are available in Innisfail** such as:

**Please note that the APWDC does not endorse any one of these hotels, they are simply ones that are dog friendly in the trial area. Please ensure that if you click a link above that you double check the hotel location prior to booking.

We are looking for some new committee members to join us this year and also want to remind everyone that all participants are to volunteer in some capacity during the trial, as well as to be present at either set up, or take down. These events run smoother with many hands!

Inquiries about trial or about volunteering? Please fill out the form below and we will get right back to you.


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