Events Calendar

Did you want to attend the last event, but weren't able to make it?  Perhaps your PWD stole your car keys or wouldn't come out of the river to attend the event?  

Keep an eye out here for a listing of club and other other PWD related functions.



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With the completion of our new logo we have opened our 2024 Pop-Up shop. The store will be open for a limited time only and will close Nov 10, 2024 so visit soon and get your newly minted club merch!

**Southern Alberta shoppers please note. A bulk shipment will be sent to Calgary for distribution. Upon ordering enter your shipping address for your payment to clear and you will be given the option to Bulk Ship to Calgary for $5. Once the store is closed the order will be shipped and distributed in Calgary**

*For those in BC or Sask please place your order with an Edmonton pick up or Calgary bulk ship option and ask for someone in either center to hold your items until they can be distributed*
People are on the move so we should be able to find a way to get you your merch in a reasonably timely manner.

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